45 Min5 Min10 MinEasyLarge Skillet Nutrition Per ServingCalories 324.5gtotal Fat 14.5gcholesterol 247.5mgtotal carbs 25.6gdietary fiber 3.0gsugars 4.0gPROTEIN 24.2gIngredientsInstructionsCut and prepare 8 slices of one-inch bread. Spread cream cheese on 1 side of...
What do you plan to cook when you go off onto those long treks to go camping? Whether you’re car camping by the lakeside or backpacking into the mountains or the wilderness, what are your go-to recipes & what would you love to try on Your Next Trip Outdoors? Here, we will provide you with amazing easy recipes that will make for Easy Meal Planning for you and your loved ones!
If you tend to have picnic lunches frequently, we also have you in mind! We have the basic sandwiches & wraps on our here as well as subs and potato salad that will probably only last the first 2 or 3 days (it will get eaten very quickly)! Peanut butter delights for the sweet tooth that comes along is also a great idea for your picnic. These travel well since they can be cut into squares and placed in a container & in a cooler.
For some, it’s easier to buy snacks for the road than to make them; including, different types of chips, fruit snacks, granola bars, 100-calorie snack bags, rice crispy treats, cheese sticks & a few others.
• Hummus makes everything taste better. Instant hummus is ready whenever you want.
• If you don’t like sandwiches, make giant salads or wraps. Make a “variety plate” lunch with cheeses, fruits, veggies, and crackers.
• Get special twists and recipes for your trail mix idea.
Campfire Veggie Subs Recipe
14 Min8 Min12 MinEasyAluminium Foil Nutrition Per Servingcalories 430Total Fat 3.5gcarbs 83gnet carbs 72gfiber 11gprotein 17gIngredientsInstructionsThe great thing about this recipe is that you can use just about any ingredients you like (including meat). Slice...